Gloria P. Oberbeck, M.D. | Board Certified in Family Medicine | (303) 828-9200

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Diabetes in Older People — National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging

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Heart Healthy Foods: Shopping list

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Integrative health

Recommended Book List

Following are a wide variety of books that offer insights into improving the health of the body, mind, spirit, and soul. Those who are able to put personal belief systems aside and follow the results of science and research have made some of the most startling and profound advances in medicine, science, technology and art. We will continue to add books to the list and if you have a great book you would like to share, please let us know. Dr.Gloria

  • The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer: A book on consciousness, meditation and mindfulness which provides steps to freeing yourself from habitual self limiting patterns.

  • The Four Agreements:a Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz: A book that provides common sense wisdom for those seeking freedom, happiness, love, and peace. This book offers simple and powerful steps to get out of the daily grind of feeling stressed and perpetually chasing goals which seem just out of reach.

  • The Mood Cure:The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today by Julia Ross: This book provides a natural way to treat depression and anxiety through dietary and lifestyle changes.

  • Anatomy of an Illness by Norman Cousins: This book is written by a patient and started a revolution in patients working collaboratively with their doctors and using things like humor to boost the bodies capacity for healing.

  • Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline Myss: this is a book on spirituality and health that provides a powerful way to look differently at illness and healing. This provides a guide to energy healing and reveals how stresses, beliefs, and attitudes can cause illness and how these can be healed through the power of your own knowledge and spirit.

  • Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman: This is an amazing book that explores the boundaries of psychology and neuroscience and shows that emotional intelligence is often a more accurate predictor of success and happiness than the standard IQ measure.

  • Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine by Larry Dossey: This is one of many books by Dr. Dossey that teaches about the mind-body connection. Prayer, not tied to any specific religion, has been used for thousands of years for healing and has been shown to have positive effects on the healing and recovery from illness in multiple studies. Dr.Dossey explains how science and quantum theory are now validating truths that have been known but dismissed by science as not credible, that prayer really does work. Fascinating and refreshing to see that the entire spectrum of mind-body-spirit is now being studied and validated in science. I highly recommend many of his books , including Recovering the Soul, Healing Beyond Body, and The Science of Premonition.

  • The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Echart Tolle: We are constantly caught up in the future or the past and this leaves little time and energy available for the present which causes high levels of stress in our daily lives. This is a wonderful self-help guide to living in the now as a path to finding happiness.

  • The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption by Clay A. Johnson: Living in this age of digital information and constant connection can compromise your mental health, and since the mind directly impacts the physical health of the body it is important to develop habits of good mental hygiene. This book explains how to be a selective data consumer and protect your peace of mind.

  • Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell: This is a fascinating book about human nature and how we make decisions. Most of us would be surprised to understand how we actually make decisions and how we think we make decisions. Interesting and poses some intriguing theories on decision making.

  • Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman: This is an exceptional book on cognitive processes and how our mental machinery actually works. Well researched and written, it is a rewarding and thought provoking read. This takes time and thoughtful contemplation, but if you are interested in neuroscience and neuroeconomics, then this is a must read. Many people are stressed and losing sleep over decisions they made that were not in their own best interest and ultimately have caused a decline in health and quality of life, so it is of great benefit to actually understand the process of decision making so that we can pay attention and change that process to be more beneficial.

  • A Woman's Book of Life; Biology, Psychology, and Spirituality of the Feminine Life Cycle by Joan Borysenko; This is a book that teaches women how to embrace the rhythms of changes that occur in the cycles of a woman's life so as to maximize health and well-being. Hormonal changes are a natural part of a woman's life but can be disruptive in the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of living so having tools to use rhythms and cycles for self empowerment can be a great boost to a woman's health.

  • Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith: A great book to read if you are interested in understanding the eastern chakra system of energy centers and how they correlate with the western development of the individual.

  • Pain Free by Peter Egoscue: Hands down the best stretching book I have seen out in twenty years. Doing the exercises in this book can save you time and money spent on chiropractors, physical therapy and massage therapy to treat acute and chronic neck, back, and joint pain.

  • Hamlet's Mill: An Essay on Myth and the Frame of Time by Giorgio De Santillana and Hertha Von Dechend: If you have ever wondered why myth and science seem at odds with each other, this is a great book to read. The authors present data obtained from science and literary sources that support that ancient cultures transmitted knowledge of complex astronomical data through oral myth and story. This gives pause to serious contemplation the history of science, advancement of civilizations, and oral myths that just might be rooted in ancient truths. A fascinating read that brings one to consider the implications that are staggering.

  • You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay: This is a great book for helping us take responsibility for our own health. Studies have shown that emotion and stress are tied to illness and disease. She offers advice on how to change thought patterns to heal ourselves.

  • Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation by Daniel J. Siegel: This book is inspiring and thoughtful. He synthesizes research from a broad range of fields and offers an approach to use in our everyday lives that will change our brain and our way of thinking. Mindsight has the potential to have a positive and long lasting effect on our emotions, relationships, and quality of life.

  • Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar—Your Brain's Silent Killers by David Perlmutter: We all know that eating processed foods is not good for us, and so when a book comes out that provides research documenting that diets high in processed foods(filled with grains and sugars) are responsible for rising numbers of dementia, diabetes, depression, and obesity it should come as no surprise. Yet, read this book and you will be compelled to change your diet. The best option is to prevent disease before it occurs. He provides research and recipes to help motivate us to change our lifestyles and embrace health and wellness. Sometimes simple changes can have profound effects on our lives.

  • Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton: This is a book that reveals some of the mysteries about life after death. There are personal accounts documented of different people who had recall of these experiences through hypnotic regression. This is a great book to read if you are interested in contemplating the higher purpose of our lives here on earth.

  • Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits by Gregg Braden: This man is a master at bridging science and spirituality. This is a great book that provides more scientific evidence on the power of the mind and the power of belief to affect our health and quality of life. If you are interested in integrative health that addresses mind-body-spirit and want research and evidence to help with a plan to get to a state of wellness and optimal health, this book is a great resource.

  • The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles by Bruce Lipton: I am always searching for answers to life, so imagine my surprise to find some answers to the big picture written by a cell biologist. Bruce Lipton follows the research and uses the scientific method to uncover clear links between thoughts, consciousness and the behavior of our cells. The exciting field of epigenetics shows that our fate is not determined by the genes we have inherited, rather there signals outside the cell that direct our DNA, and some of these signals come from our thoughts and emotions. Fascinating, excellent science, and more scientific evidence of the mind body connection.

  • Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, And The Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Live by Brian Weiss: This book is written by a physician who was a skeptic about past lives but direct experience with patients opened his mind to the concept of past lives. Now his career is devoted to bringing people knowledge of and ability to connect to past lives. Many people find that by connecting with a past life they find meaning and healing in their present lives.

  • The Path to Love: Spiritual Strategies for Healing by Deepak Chopra: To Love and be loved is all of our longing. We strive for success and fulfillment but at the root of our longing for more is our need for love. Love for oneself and love for others can bring us the happiness and health we are searching for. He is a leader in integrative medicine and writes many books on health, healing and success using the mind-body approach. This is one of his finest books.

  • The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran: This collection of poetic essays on life was written in 1923 but they are as profoundly meaningful today as when they were written. Love, marriage, children, joy, work, eating, and sorrow are all chapters just as they are chapters in our lives. I highly recommend this book as the process of contemplation and exploration of our human condition is healthy for each of us. When we find meaning in our lives we find kindness and compassion that fuels our healing and health like nothing else.

  • Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life by Thomas Moore: Moore writes about how finding wonder and enchantment in our everyday lives, in work, politics, relationships, sex, art, food, furniture and family, can bring a meaning that is powerfully needed in these times when many are disenchanted with life. His books Soul Mates and Care of the Soul are wonderful books and now he brings to light the importance of cultivating soul in our everyday living. I highly recommend this book. If we feel more meaning and inspiration in our daily lives, our stress will be lower and our health and ability to engage in life in a meaningful way will improve.

  • Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Ester and Jerry Hicks: This series of books requires an open mind and a desire to improve one's self, but if you are interested in practical advice to attract to your life things you want and let go of things you do not want, whether they be jobs, relationships, health issues or wealth, there is sound advice here.